News and talks

A partial collection of new and larger talks. More to be added.

MIT Tech Review Podcast 2021

MIT Tech Review did a deep dive on my work to improve diversity in the hiring process for modern companies. The challenges my team and I faced while pioneering the use of AI are a key focus.

John Jersin presenting at LinkedIn Talent Connect 2019

Talent Connect Keynote 2019

I presented the roadmap for the next 10 years of HR technology as the keynote speaker for the 10th anniversary of LinkedIn’s annual product conference with 5,000 people in attendance and 3,000,000 on the live stream.

John Jersin keynote presentation at LinkedIn Talent Connect 2017

Talent Connect Keynote 2017

I presented the new roadmap for Artificial Intelligence in hiring as a keynote speaker for LI’s major annual product announcement with 4,000 people in attendance and 1,500,000 on the live stream.

Forbes CIO summit 2019

I discussed challenges and solutions for diversity in hiring processes, including work I did to launch LinkedIn’s Representative Results which eliminates bias from AI in hiring tools.

John Jersin keynote address at Google GoMeasure

Go Measure Keynote

I presented Google’s analytics roadmap as the keynote speaker at Google’s Southeast Asia conference on web analytics across 4 cities and 3 countries with thousands of people in attendance.

John Jersin giving the keynote address at LinkedIn's Talent Intelligence event

Talent Intelligence Summit Keynote 2017

I presented about new innovations in artificial intelligence that my team developed at LinkedIn’s European talent intelligence event as a keynote speaker with 2,000 people in attendance.

Google GoMeasure- Page Speed

I presented on web page speed and Google’s related analytics features at Google’s GoMeasure event in Singapore (featured), Sydney, Melbourne, and Kuala Lumpur with thousands of people in attendance.